Dr. Earl’s Program Descriptions
The Awesome Power of Emotional Intelligence
In this interactive seminar, participants will learn the power of becoming more emotionally intelligent in their work and personal lives. They will learn the benefits of identifying and managing their emotions to become more of a plus rather than a minus in their relationship management.
Managing Healthier Work and Personal Relationships
In society, we live in a work world of increasing workloads, more stress, burnouts and negativity. As leaders, do you think your people perform better when they are healthy and happier? It is a well-known fact that happy employees lead to happier customers that leads to happier profits. Research also indicates that happiness is associated with higher esteem, more energy, more efficiency, more motivation and better health. Life is all about relationships.
In this power packed leadership program, participants will learn to utilize ways to improve the quality of relationships with team members, significant others, friends and family members. It will emphasize how healthy or unhealthy relationships at home can impact workplace performance and vitality and how to better manage others by managing one’s self first.
“Our lives are all about relationship building.” Earl L. Suttle, Ph.D.
Enjoying Excellence (Becoming The Greatest You Can Be)
The trick is not only to excel at everything you want to do, but to enjoy the process along the way. This highly charged interactive presentation helps to shape your attitude towards your professional and personal success. It is about creating winners who learn and apply the keys to successful living.
How to Master Your Stress For Better Success
Mastering your stress means that it doesn’t manipulate you. The challenge is to learn not only how to master stress, but to make it work to your advantage. You will learn a simple stress mastery model that will help you self manage any stressors in your professional or personal life. It will also help you identify the combustible areas of stress and turn them into fuel to increase your productivity, vitality, success, and peace of mind.
Leadership: How to Nurture and Retain Your Talent
The best employees want to work in the best places. If you want to attract them and keep them, this workshop is for you. You’ll learn to apply skills to lead your diverse group in a way that will be professionally productive and personally rewarding for you and every member of your team. You will also find out how to help your staff through changes in the workplace and how to keep them when the money isn’t there.
Your Attitude Determines Your Success
This session focuses on how to develop more positive attitudes in the workplace and how to neutralize any negativity that may be lurking in the hearts or minds of your staff. We’ll look at five diseases of negative attitudes and five attitudes that help ease the way to success. You’ll also gain a better understanding of change in the workplace and become change-skilled in handling it.
Embracing Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker – they all build the village. Your village goes far beyond Race and Gender, so start building today. This session provides cultural insights, increases understanding of the world’s view of various cultural groups, and helps you to develop skills and strategies for supporting, valuing, and leveraging diversity in your organization.
Becoming the Leader Within Ourselves
“To lead others is to lead yourself first. To understand others is to understand yourself first.” You will gain greater insight to your leadership style and find out how to strengthen your relationships on the job. Four stages of leadership and five levels of influence are discussed. Is your organization changing? You’ll find out how to be a successful change agent as a leader.
Selling – How You Can Gain the Edge Today
In this highly interactive session, sales team members will learn 10 Pearls to be an amazing salesperson. Your sales team will learn the 5 critical questions you must ask after every sales interaction, how to develop a stellar reputation with customers, little voice training that will increase sales 50%, and how to build trust before, during and after the sale.