Healthcare Programs

Healthcare Program Clients

Testimonial Letters


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Healthcare Programs

RAISE Your Game In Life as a Healthcare Professional

This interactive session highlights 5 ways to raise your game in life as a leader in the healthcare industry. It also discusses how to stay motivated during challenging economic times, as well as how to raise your potential.

Reinventing Yourself as a Healthcare Leader

We are faced with enormous challenges requiring healthcare organizations to have leaders at all levels in order to maintain, thrive and have a competitive edge. There is also the need to have more individuals who make a difference by reinventing themselves by increasing their innovative creative skills. Organizations are recognizing that they must “innovate” or evaporate. Learn how to solve problems in your healthcare organization by inspiring your people to act differently.

Visit Earl’s Pearls for a complete listing of program descriptions.

Healthcare Clients

Alabama Primary Healthcare Association

Association of Florida Healthcare Auxiliaries

Association Healthcare Volunteers

Cypress Healthcare Management

Effingham Hospital


Healthcare Association of Arizona

Healthcare Association of Colorado

Healthcare Association of Florida

Healthcare Association of Georgia

Healthcare Association of Idaho

Healthcare Association of Iowa

Healthcare Association of Kentucky

Healthcare Association of Mississippi

Healthcare Association of Nebraska

Healthcare Association of Oklahoma

Healthcare Association of Oregon

Healthcare Association of Tennessee

Healthcare Association of Utah

Healthcare Association of Washington

Healthcare Association of West Virginia

Healthcare Association of Wisconsin

J. J. Pershing VA Medical Center Memorial Hospital

National Association of Healthcare Assistants

Northside Hospital

Piedmont Hospital

West Virginia Professional Activity Association